Campus Store

The Augusta Tech Campus Store

奥古斯塔技术校园商店位于买世界杯app推荐奥古斯塔校区的学生服务中心(1300楼). 我们是NACS(全国大学商店协会)和GACS(佐治亚大学商店协会)的成员.)这使我们成为学生、教职员工的宝贵资源. We are also open to the public.

Campus Store Response to COVID-19

新书和旧书都可以和各种各样的其他商品一起出售,比如学校用品, apparel and other gift items.

 Business Hours

Contact Us

Phone: (706) 771-4119

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Get your Office 365 here. Use your Smartweb email and password to login.

Helpful Suggestions


当你来书店的时候,一定要带上你的课程表或教学大纲. This will greatly help us to sell you the correct books.

Used Books

Yes. We  do sell used books.  它们视乎供应情况,先到先得.

Used books are 25% less than the price of a new book.

Buyback Time Frames

Currently, we are not conducting on campus used book buybacks.


Buyback FAQs

Using Your Financial Aid


  1. HOPE GED - Books and supplies.
  2. PELL - Books, supplies, and book bags/backpacks.
  3. WIA(里士满/伯克县)-只需要书籍-没有供应.
  4. WIA (East Central Consortium) -只需要书籍-没有供应.
  5. VA Rehab (VA) - Required books only. $25 supply limit. 学生负责准确的供应分配数量. One time visit. May include a calculator. May not charge a book bag unless proper signature is provided. This is in addition to the $25 in supplies. All charges go directly to VA Rehab.
  6. 第三方(TPTY) -除TAA外,必需的书籍. See below.
  7. Third Party (TAA) - Required books and $25 in supplies; including a calculator if needed. 请联系学生账户的Sonya Ellis以获得进一步的解释.

    **经济援助只能在你的账户详细信息中列出的日期之前在书店使用. This is available through your Augusta Tech Smartweb account.    

Return Policy

A full refund will be made subject to the following conditions:

  • 新书或旧书必须在购买之日起一周内退换.
  • 以支票方式购买的所有物品的退款需要从购买之日起10个工作日的等待期.
  • 任何退换货都需要学生证或带照片的身份证和现金收银收据原件.
  • Defective new books will be exchanged at no charge. Used books are not guaranteed. 
  • Refunds will not be made on non-required books, supplies, general merchandise, backpacks, clothing or candy/snacks. 
  • 任何小说或大众图书,未经招生部门出具的退单,恕不退款或换货.
  • 购买的新书必须是全新的才能退货. This means that they should be: 
  • Free of all marks. (pencil, ink, highlighter, etc.) 
  • 收缩包装材料和/或密封代码必须未打开和未使用. 
  • 书中包含的任何软件(CDROM等)必须未打开.